Computer Architecture and Organization MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

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The MCQ: Multiprocessing provided by the computer system has a type of; "Computer Architecture and Organization" App Download (Free) with answers: Symmetric multiprocessor; Asymmetric multiprocessing; Symmetric multiprocessing; for computer science bachelor degrees. Practice Computer Architecture and Organization Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for computer software engineer online degree.

Computer Architecture and Organization MCQs: Questions and Answers

Symmetric multiprocessing in the computer system does not use

  1. master relationship
  2. slave relationship
  3. master slave relationship
  4. serial processing

Multiprocessing provided by the computer system has a type of

  1. symmetric multiprocessor
  2. asymmetric multiprocessing
  3. symmetric multiprocessing
  4. both b and c

SMP of the computer system is an abbreviation of

  1. symmetric multiprogramming
  2. Systematic multiprogramming
  3. symmetric multiprocessing
  4. Systematic multiprocessing

Asymmetric multiprocessing systems of the computer system use

  1. master relationship
  2. slave relationship
  3. master slave relationship
  4. serial processing

In symmetric multiprocessing of the computer system all processors are

  1. peers
  2. parallel
  3. master slave
  4. serial

Operating System Practice Tests

Process Control Structure MCQs Two State Process Model MCQs Modular Program Execution MCQs Multithreading in OS MCQs Cache Design MCQs An Integrated Deadlock Strategy MCQs Threads, SMP and Microkernels MCQs Deadlock Avoidance MCQs Process States MCQs

Computer Architecture and Organization Textbook App: Free Download (Android & iOS)

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Computer Architecture and Organization App (Android & iOS)

Computer Architecture and Organization App (Android & iOS)