Plan Richmond County Fact Sheets


The project team has also developed a series of Fact Sheets that give a summary of the policy directions that the draft documents take regarding a few key topics like housing, agriculture and recreation & tourism, as well as more general project information and frequently asked questions about planning. Visit the project website at to view the Fact Sheets, read the draft planning documents or view the proposed zoning for your property using the online mapping tool. You can submit any comments or questions using the online feedback form, by emailing the project team at or by mail at UPLAND Planning + Design, 1489 Hollis Street Level 2, Halifax NS, B3J 3M5”

Submit your feedback on the updated draft documents!

This will help inform any final changes before the documents go to Council to begin the formal adoption process in late 2023. The formal adoption process will include a Public Hearing. To guarantee your feedback is considered in the next draft, please submit your feedback by 11:59pm on October 8th.

Fact Sheets